Players chase each other and try to bump each others cars. The game has custom-soundtrack support, and its highly recommended that you use it. Whoever holds the rabbit for the longest time wins. Midtown Madness 3s online mode has been designed with ease of use in mind. As the Hunter captures Prey, they in turn become Hunters, and the last person who is Prey stands alone as the winner.

One player starts off as the Hunter and everyone else in the game is Prey. Here are high resolution renders of the latest cars. Race against others on pre-defined tracks around the city. Midtown Madness 3 has been more or less forgotten since PGR2 is out, but the designers of DICE still have released a lot of downloadable content lately.

Other players will attempt to steal the gold. Gold is stashed around the city and the player must take it to a hideout. The game supports the following online multiplayer modes: Extra downloadable content is available via Xbox Live to expand the game's original premise.
The game supports Xbox Live for online multiplayer gaming, and a split-screen for offline multiplayer. the player works as a pizza deliverer, rental car driver, limo driver, car salesman, stunt driver, police officer and private eye, completing objectives. In the "Work Undercover" mission mode, in Paris, the player works as a delivery guy, taxi driver, chauffeur, security guard, ambulance driver, police officer, special agent, whilst in Washington D.C. In Checkpoint Races, the player goes through the checkpoints in any order and gets to the finish line before his opponents. In "Blitz" races, the player goes through all the given checkpoints in any order and races to the finish line before time runs out. In "Cruise" (free roam) mode, the player can choose the amount of pedestrians and traffic, change the weather, the time of day and the season, and collect car-specific paint jobs, in a car selected by the user. Recently I was playing the Fast and Furious demo, and it honestly felt like Midtown Madness at some parts, getting wreckage bonuses through a city. They would be better off incorporating what you want into either Forza Motorsport or Forza Horizon.
In single player the player can free roam, race, or complete objective-based missions. The market isnt big enough to sustain 3 Forza games. They represent a smaller area than the real life cities, yet are larger than the locales in Midtown Madness and Midtown Madness 2. are available as open world recreations in the game.